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Hi, I’m Stefan. I am a Personal Trainer at Heywood Sports Village.
I qualified as a Personal Trainer in March 2023. Since then I have had the pleasure of coaching a wide range of clients from people who have never set foot in a gym before to professional athletes.

I decided to get into this industry because I have always had a passion for Sports, Fitness, and Health. I have over a decade of experience of playing sports at a high level, most notably playing American Football in the NCAA in the United States between 2018 and 2021.

Playing American Football in the US required daily intense, specific training and dieting in order for us to be in peak physical condition and reduce injury risk. This type of training would have been overwhelming if I was left to do it on my own. But thankfully I had excellent coaches and trainers in the U.S. who not only taught me how to lift weights with the correct technique or how to increase muscle mass and cardiovascular endurance but explained the reasons why we did certain exercises and the science behind them. My goal is to provide the same level of support to my clients.

I discovered that I also have a passion for sharing that information with others and helping others reach their fitness goal. Whether that be losing weight, increasing strength, building muscle, learning how to perform certain exercises or training to be a professional athlete.


Heywood Sports Village


Level 3 Personal Training (Thinktree)


Increasing explosiveness
Increasing Flexibility
Improving athletic performance
Fat Loss
Muscle Building
Cardiovascular training
Injury prevention
Injury rehabilitation

Contact Stefan

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