Adult Cycling Training

Your Trust (formerly known as Link4Life) have worked in partnership with Living Well, TfGM, Cycling UK, Hopwood Hall College and NCA to deliver 12 sessions of adult cycling training as part of the Local Pilot project.
The sessions took place at Hopwood Hall College (Rochdale Campus) over the period of six Sundays in October and November.
The sessions have been extremely popular and successful with over 40 ladies taking part in ladies only sessions.
One lady who attended said, “I came here alone, and left with family. The facilities have been ideal. The carpark is very spacious which gave me space and the confidence to ride a bike for the first time in years”.
Shabana Begum (Local Pilot Community Builder) from Living Well helped to get the sessions started by helping residents insights: to be heard, shared and for their ideas, thoughts and goals to be implemented, in how to keep Active with their choices of fun and physical activity.
Shabana said, “The majority of the groups participants have now learnt in achieving a new skill in how to ride a bike- this Learning has helped increase their general mental health and well-being, and overall motivation in trying out new ways to keep Moving. It has been a very rewarding experience to be involved in. The ladies still turned up in heavy rain and had constantly smiling faces. We are now looking at adding additional sessions to run from Heywood Sports Village and also looking at helping their children to ride bikes”.