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Here at Touchstones, we work to curate and preserve Rochdale Borough’s cultural heritage collection, spanning from Ancient Egyptian artifacts to items reflecting the borough’s history. With over 100,000 objects and 2,500 artworks, we ensure their care for the community’s enjoyment through exhibitions, events, research and projects.

We are seeking 5 community members to join our collection development panel for a 1 year term, with more opportunities to follow. Currently compromised of Touchstones staff, we will meet every 2 months to decide on donations, ensure diverse representation in collections, and enhance our understanding of Rochdale’s history. What stories are we missing? How can we make Touchstones a more vibrant and diverse space for all? Your input matters!

We are looking for people from the Rochdale Borough who are willing to learn more about the collections and what we do at Touchstones. There is no age restriction or previous experience needed. We also have funding which will pay you for your time at a rate of £18 per meeting plus any travel expenses to get to the Arts and Heritage Resource Centre.

Contact Information:

Please do not hesitate to get in touch, we love talking to people and will always be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Email: Telephone: 01706 924493

To find out more and apply, see below.

Information Pack

We look forward to hearing from you!